The fringe benefits of failure: JK Rowling

Throughout this crazy week, well crazy year, I have oftentimes been afraid. Afraid of failing, afraid of graduation, afraid of not getting the job I want, and afraid that, should I get the job I want, it will turn into a prison cell.

One of the things I do to combat these fears is watch TED talks. If you are a person who never needs motivation or inspiration, this video won’t do much for you. But if you’re like me, sometimes you need a little boost. Mine for this week came from a woman who impacted my entire life. Although she never spoke to me, Harry Potter did. Rowling’s own story is just as, if not even more encouraging than Harry’s. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Here’s my favorite part if you don’t have time to watch the whole thing

“Ultimately, we all have to decide for ourselves what constitutes failure, but the world is quite eager to give you a criteria if you let it.”

Do not let your failures be defined by others.

Thank you JK,

-Executive Editor